
Time Well Spent

The oddest use of photography that will ever grace these pages. Kind of cool though.


Assignment Four: Stereoscopes and Ghosts


Black + White Assignment Four
Fabrications. Scene creation.

We were instructed to select "signifiers" from other artworks and use them to create a scene. Using two movies, two poems, and two news articles we had to create six images.

I had access to a gun and used that as my main prop. I also used a hat, a glass of whiskey and two girls, among other things.


Black + White Assignment Three
Urban Landscape (kind of) and Landscape Alteration (sort of, maybe). I wasn't too exited about this assignment at first and while I was taking the pictures, but I am surprisingly pleased with the final prints.

The Helmet


Assignment Two
These pictures were taken at Pima Community College two weeks ago. I'm just now getting around to posting them. We were instructed to "create mood" by altering the lighting in a classroom, and take portraits of one of several models.

Black + White Assignment Two
Not at all my best pictures here, more of a technical exercise than anything else. Content was mostly overlooked both in taking them and in how they were graded.

Portfolio of Eight Images.
This is my application to the photography program at the University of Arizona. Some of the pictures appear in other places on this site. I am hoping that these will make up for a lacking grade point average; last semester was not so good for me.

The Honor System

Please do not publish or sell my photos without my consent. Download them, enjoy them, print them even, but please do not use them without first contacting me. Thanks.